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Mapping Democratic Satisfaction Across 26 Nations

#Democracy #GlobalElections #PewResearch #DemocraticSatisfaction #Election2024 #PoliticalScience #GlobalDemocracy #SatisfactionSurvey

With almost half of the global population living in countries gearing up for executive or legislative elections in 2024, the spotlight is on the pulse of democracy worldwide. A recent visual representation by Visual Capitalist, drawing on Pew Research Center’s extensive survey, provides a stark glimpse into public sentiment regarding the state of democracy in 26 countries. This cross-country analysis reveals the deep-seated satisfaction, or lack thereof, with democratic processes across different regions, illuminating the varied democratic experiences around the globe.

The methodology behind Pew Research Center’s study is meticulously detailed, involving over 900 interviews per country, conducted either in-person or over the phone. Respondents were asked to gauge their satisfaction with democracy in their country, offering insights into the populace’s contentment or discontentment with their governing systems. The overarching findings indicate a troubling trend, particularly in high-income nations, where satisfaction with democracy has seemingly dwindled. Noteworthy is the reported double-digit drop in satisfaction levels in countries including Canada, Germany, Greece, South Korea, the United Kingdom, and the United States, signaling significant upheavals in public confidence in democratic governance.

Diving into regional insights, the study showcased stark contrasts: from the 75% of Swedes pleased with their democracy, juxtaposing sharply with only 22% satisfaction in Greece. In the Asia-Pacific, the satisfaction levels exceeded three-quarters of the population in India and Singapore, while Japan lagged with merely a 31% satisfaction rate. Latin America revealed a predominance of dissatisfaction, with notable discontent in Chile, Colombia, and Peru. These regional narratives not only highlight the diverse democratic experiences but also suggest that satisfaction with democracy closely intertwresses with economic perceptions and attitudes towards the governing party, underscoring complex dynamics between governance, economic health, and political stability.

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